Linda Mason: I'm just surprised at how, almost 30 years after I worked on the "Evening News" as the first woman producer, that Katie is having such a tough time being accepted by the public, which seems to prefer the news from white guys, and now that Charlie's doing so well, from older white guys. I guess they want the reassurance of a Walter Cronkite.
Sweetie? Pssst? It's nice that you're sticking up for Katie and everything, but you've got it all wrong. Because I don't know about you, but I would totally watch this:

Wouldn't you?
UPDATE: Gawker today has an excellent example of Katie's gravitas.
damn tootin' I would. Except I don't have TV because of Katie Couric. It's a long story.
Absolutely yes!!!!
No, she's right. It's chauvinism. It's just like how I feel about Don Imus and Andy Rooney; I hate them for their creepy eyebrows, not their fucking old white idiot commentaries.
If I hated them for their fucking old white idiot commentaries, then it would be their fault. But because of my deeply held and benighted prejudice against those who shun eyebrow maintenance, it's clearly my fault.
I don't care -- I like Katie. I wonder how she would look with big eyebrows? That may be what she needs to get good ratings...
Seriously, though: I think Gwen Ifill will be Lehrer's successor, and she'll be great at it.
Zipdrive here--
I miss Dan Rather.
Gwen Ifill can newscast Katie under the table without breaking a sweat.
Gwen is first rate.
Katie, not so much. (In fact, not at all.)
But I do miss Huntley & Brinkley.
I love me some Allison Stewart doing the news. But that's because I'm so Gen-X.
Katie has no lips. Gwen has beautiful lips. Could that be it?
Geez... maybe if Katie wouldn't menstrate all over the news desk, I 'd pay more attention to her story about the baby polar bear.
I'm very pleased by the reaction to this post.
It's just such a stupid argument that people don't like Katie because we're all sexist. Give me a break.
Give us a qualified female newsbot, and we'll watch her!
They should put Katie on "The View" where she belongs.
Katie AND Elizabeth Hasselbeck? Ugh, how much can be tolerated in one hour of television? Sorry PSP- I must respectfully disgree. Although why do I care? I never watch the View... because of many reasons, but not the least of which is my cold hatin' on Elizabeth.
I think Katie should "retire" and leave us all alone at this point.
And for the record - I agree. It is not that she is a woman. Pul-eeze.
I'd watch Gwen - in fact, I do watch Gwen!
In regards to Katie and her gravitas: could it be her haircut? Does the haircut cry out to her, demanding that she act like a nineteen year old?
The Princess has already warned us that not taking haircuts seriously is a mistake. I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.
Gwen Ifill is the byword for professional. Maybe Katie can sit down with the old Saddam era Iraqi Information Minister, and learn to be a bit less blonde and perky.
Ugh. And those insufferable calves of hers. When she was on the Today Show I would wince every time the camera would zoom out as she began an interview, would cross her legs and we'd be forced to watch her calves and high heels.
Don't get me wrong, I am all for fitness. But let us not ever mistake fitness for gravitas.
If she had it, and I actually think she might have come close, she threw it out the window with the haircuts, the legs and what is apparently awful behavior behind the scenes.
That's what I'm just sayin!
maybe and perhaps, cbs should take a cue from law and order, and just make a well placed hint to the eglomanic talentless star, that they would make for a fine president of the united states, hey worked with thompson!
I am watching Today a lot more since Katie left. Since Meredith is a woman and I've always loved Matt Lauer and crew, I can only assume it's because Katie annoys the hell out of me. I have never been a fan of CBS' news broadcasts, so Katie as anchor pretty much sealed the deal for me. I think folks were so caught up in the "everyone loves Katie" hype that they didn't realize that very few people love Katie.
Gwen Ifill could rock CBS. I'd actually watch network if that happened.
Why doesn't Katie start her own evening-style "The View", titled "Perspectives", where women of all hair colors can sit together and be honest?
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