In this photo provided by CBS News, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice speaks to Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., before their seperate appearances on CBS's 'Face the Nation' in Washington, Sunday, April 29, 2007. (AP Photo/CBS Face the Nation, Karin Cooper)
Oh, I'm sure that little meeting wasn't awkward in the slightest! It's too bad they weren't on the show together.
And that was quite the lie-a-thon Condi had yesterday on TV, wasn't it? Whew!
I wish Murtha would have thrown his little cup of coffee in her face to see if Condibot would short out and start to malfunction.
Oh wait, she already is programmed to malfunction.
It's always the Condibot when she's outfitted in large pearls. They cover the seam between head and torso. Glad to see they got the neck crook fixed. They must have aborted the handshake algorithm altogether. It was waaaaaay too fakey.
A Michael Jackson song?
Ben? I Want You Back? The Man in the Mirror?
No, those can't be right.
Oh, sure, it's obvious now.
Beat It. Good one, Princess.
Matty, it's *obvious* that PSP means Thriller. I mean, look: they've already turned into monsters.
Zipdrive here...
Is it me or has her profile gotten scarier?
Those heavy eyelids and slitty eyes are taking on a reptilian look.
And that lower lip seems to have frozen into a perma-scowl.
She's starting to look like Mary Tyler Moore in "Ordinary People," only more uptight.
All I keep thinking is "Lisa Marie & Jacko Snog!!!" and being really uncomfortable just watching it.
He looks prettier than she does...
Holy crap, it's Lord Voldemort's sister!
How about 'Never Can Say Goodbye'?
A New Rice Biography
Marcus Mabry has a biography of Condoleezza Rice coming out. From the excerpts in Newsweek:
"Rice was drawn to Bush. 'First of all, I thought he was wonderful to be around,' she recalled, sitting on the couch in her State Department office. 'He was warm and funny and easy to be around. I thought he had just an incredibly inquisitive mind ... You could barely finish an explanation before he was digging into it.'
"Bush was also a bad boy. And Rice, according to friends and family, had a thing for bad boys. . . .
"Rice's friends insisted the attraction to Bush was platonic, but Brenda Hamberry-Green, her Palo Alto hairdresser, who had spent years commiserating with Rice over how hard it was for successful black women to find a good man, noticed a change when Rice started working for Bush. 'He fills that need,' Hamberry-Green decided. 'Bush is her feed.'"
As for Rice's job, Mabry writes that "the major task of the national security adviser was to be the skeptic-in-chief. . . . But Rice tended to enable the president's missteps rather than check them. The basis of the relationship had been formed in the campaign: she molded his instincts, she didn't challenge them. So as the administration marched toward war in Iraq, she didn't push back. She didn't question troop levels or the Defense Department's rosy post-Saddam scenarios. She didn't demand the administration devise a single, unified plan for after Saddam's statue fell. . . .
"Even Rice's friends, most of whom happen to be Democrats, say her affection for Bush blinded her to his failings. 'She thought he could do no wrong,' said one. . . .
"[S]tepmother Clara Rice offered a simpler explanation for why she stayed: 'she just can't say no to that man.'"
Dan Froomkin, “No Doubts, Then and Now” (Washingtonpost.com, April 30)
Bad girls are hot! I love my Condi Candi, especially when she lies. Tell me another one! aahhhhhhhh .....
how can it be that even in a torso only shot the only adjetive I can find for Condi is "Flatulence"? my take on functionality is that they have decided that what was percieved by the public as a bug is now been proclaimed by administration as a feature. Happy May Day Everyone!
Zipdrive here...
If Condi is indeed hot for Bush, I think that certifies her as crazier than a rat in a coffee can.
No wonder she fits in with that crowd so well.
Ivory and Ebony?
Yes, p.o'd. Pat got it right, but some of the rest of us got it funnier.
Years ago, I was playing Trivial Pursuit, and a friend got the question "What hits the Statue of Liberty over 80 times a year?"
Her answer: Air Florida.
The correct answer: lightning.
We gave her the point anyway.
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