First Lady Laura Bush smiles during a visit to Rafael Pombo's Library in Bogota, Sunday, March 11, 2007. (AP Photo/William Fernando Martinez)
Children are always so thrilled to be in the warm, crazytastic presence of Laura Bush, aren't they? Unfortunately the photographer didn't capture the next moment, in which the high-strung First Lady devoured the tempting pompoms and much of the unsuspecting girl's head.
That poor child seems to know that she's sitting in front of a pair of major Jaws.
Land shark...
When this young woman grows up, and she is haunted by dreams she cannot understand, someone will show her this picture.
"Yes, Lupe, that is you... and you survived. There is no reason to fear La Mujer Loca anymore."
Don't forget Laura's favorite book is the Brothers Karamazov, which no doubt reminds her of the family she married into.
"I hate jonesin' in front of kids. Is there a secret service agent around to pull my lips off my teeth?" - C.E. 'Laura' Bush
What genius decided to send the first lady of pharmacopia to the land of drugs and honey?
Behind every insane man, there's a heavily medicated crazy woman.
This picture pairs well with the shrill cry of a raptor.
You know, I look at Laura's hideously tobacco stained teeth and coupled with the knowledge that they let the dogs pee on the carpets, I'm seriously worried about the condition the next democratic president is going to find the White House in.
If it is Hillary, she will weep.
At least now we know why there are no more State Dinners: the place smells like the inside of crazy earl's dubble wide. And there are burn holes and dog turds on the floor.
Do the American people have a security deposit to hold over their heads?
Jess said it exactly... THOSE TEETH! Can the White House not afford some kind of whitening? Or smoking cessation????
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