Have you heard about all the Salmonella-fortified Peter Pan peanut butter? No? And what does this have to do with the Pink Pony and why am I writing about it?
Because it's a great way to exploit my favorite feature of the upgraded Blogger: topic labels.
Could it be, Princess, that you are branching out just the slightest, preparing, perhap, for the horrifying prospect of a post-Condi existence? Anna Nicole, Peter Pan - all worthy topics, surely, but how do they fit into a worldview of matching armchairs and Austrian giantesses?
Of course, once she steps down as foreign-policy-shill-supreme, the dotoressa will still command a certain amount of interest - more, I suppose, than Warren Christopher, if less than Dr. "Strangelove" K. Still, will it all really be the same? Will we care as much the hairdo when there are fewer earthshattering implications in every photo-op? Where, we want to know, will you lead us, once the Condi-bot is retired to some storage container in Utah and Crazy-Eyes finally files the divorce papers that have been burning a hole in her nightstand lo these past six years?
Did I write about Anna Nicole? I didn't, did I?
I'm thrilled that there's actually a strain of Salmonella named after a state. What an honor that must be for them!
. . . due to risk of contamination with Salmonella Tennessee
My advice -- buy peanut butter that is actually 100% peanuts -- and also, don't give the Playboy model any more play.
Just sayin'.
Cruchy or creamy???
Re: Writing about Nicole. Well, Princess, you did invite comment with the "Dumb News" post.
There's also Salmonella Kentucky and Salmonella Indiana. Apparently it roosts in the midsection of America as well as in the midsections of Americans. But it looks like it tends to develop on processed legumes like soy, peanut, rape, etc. So buying peanut butter that's 100% peanuts enhances your chances of getting it.
After Condi's out, the site can be devoted to Ursula full time! Awesome!!!
I have never typed it out loud before, but I have thought it many times. Ursula Plassnik is the Fonzie (or Urkel, if you prefer) of this website, a so-called minor character who takes over center stage. (Interesting trivia note: Popeye was just a one-line passerby in an early Max Fleischer cartoon starring Olive Oyl.)
Matty, I like your analogy a lot, but I've got to correct your Popeye reference. By the time the Fleischer Brothers got hold of him, Popeye was fully formed. He made his debut in a Betty Boop cartoon where Betty was the supporting character. What you're thinking of is that he made his debut originally as a supporting player in EC Segar's "Thimble Theater" comic strip which starred Olive Oyl and her family, years before any of 'em were animated.
Condi interviewed in December 2006:
"I can look back and write books about what we might have done differently," she said.
In other news, Stanford folks have been overheard wondering aloud "Gosh, what happened to Condi", and others insist she will be "very lonely" at the Hoover Institute.
Thanks for the correction, Princess. I didn't have the facts straight on comic strip vs. animated. What I recall was someone telling me the first dialogue was Olive asking "Excuse me, are you a sailor?" and Popeye, in uniform as always, replying "What didja think I was? A cowboy?"
And by the way, a Happy belated Valentine's Day to Condi, the Condibot, "Crazy Eyes", Ursula (sigh!), Micheline, Tzipi, Stephen Hadley (boo!), Karen Hughes, Sam Brownback and all the other characters here at the Blog, as well as to all my fellow Pony Pals™ and, of course, to the glitteriest Princess of them all, our gracious hostess.
Cruchy? I love it. Sounds like a French chateau.
I would love some posts on comics history if you have the energy. I eat that kinda stuff up. I've been reading the Steve Canyon comics that are being web-reissued with the same regularity that I ride the pink pony.
Matty, that's correct. When he made his film debut years later alongside Betty Boop, he was dancing a hula!
Other differences between the strip and the cartoons: the cartoons are fun and wildly imaginative, but the comic strips are true masterpieces of American folk art. "Bluto" appeared originally only very briefly in a boxing match with Popeye in Segar's strip, and spinach was rarely used, and never as a crutch like in the cartoons.
Fantagraphics has recently released a fantastic collection of the early EC Segar Popeye strips, and it's a beautiful book.
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