Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, center, is helped from her chair by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, left, and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, as they arrive for their news conference at the State Department in Washington, Friday, Feb. 2, 2007. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)The Condibot, the artificial Secretary of State which attends boring and/or unimportant functions while the real Condi has better things to do, is a delicate piece of cutting-edge electronics, so it's no wonder that there are occasional breakdowns and unfortunate public malfunctions. Today it was the "get up out of a chair" algorithms which failed; tomorrow, who knows?
Also, special note to the Condibot's wardrobe engineers: Hello? Red Dress Day was yesterday (see below), duh!
Dear Princess: I believe the post below refers to an entire MONTH dedicated to the American Heart, so possibly the Condibot is allowed to wear a Red Dress just like the Laurabot every day in February if it so pleases. Then again, all the ugly red dresses are confusing me, so I could be wrong.
OMG, so Condi's going to wear red for an entire month? February is going to RULE!
How nice of these foreign gentlemen to help Dr Rice relieve herself in the hidden-behind-table ladies' facilities...For sure it won't be a smelly or messy one thanks to these overseas males' graciousness.
What a wonderful world we live in, with perfect harmony between the sexes, thanks to everyone's favorite let-the-world-be-as-my 'husband' George W.-wants-it secretary (of state), who does so much to evacuate in one form or another ... Condi for [you name it]
Knowing the dork/nerd/dweeb community is well represented here, I'm sure it is common knowledge that girl robots on Buffy were always made for one primary purpose, and it wasn't fighting evil. So who's spending long weekends at the Condibot's place?
OMG She's being repourpoused!, Retooled to run on clean ethanol based fuel, the only thing behind her you will smell, will be the familiar smell of fine agricorp friendly farm subsidies! Ummmm!!
fhThat morning, Condi was so excited. After all the hard work ..... over 3000 American hearts in Iraq would never, ever be getting heart disease. She just knew that little Red Dress Award would be for her. She dressed the Bots and herself appropriately and humming they all went off to do whatever they do.
News that Laura had beaten her to it instantly sent all models into a seizure of rage. A Bot is seen here absolutely refusing to move till someone go decapitate Laura.
Whatever the lubricant, Middle Eastern or Midwestern, the Condibot needs its seasonal servicing.
The red dresses were a hot deal--Nancy Reagan had a tag sale.
Congrats to Sparkle Pony for an indirect mention in Sunday's New York Times. If you haven't seen it yet, Helene Cooper wrote a profile on Condi and the beginnings of the tarnish to her shine.
Whoah, look at that! The "Condoleezza Hairdo Alert System" makes the NY Times!
I hope they're finally upgrading the network that all the BushBots run on. They're like a less sophisticated version of X-mas tree lights: one goes out and they all go out.
FYI: Laura Bush is the first alternative fuel-run Bushbot. She's designed like Bender from Futurama, excepts she subsists solely on Gin and Virginia Slims. They're still working on her blink algorithims.
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