Melanie Sanford, left, and Bridget Marx make adjustments to an Oscar de la Renta dress worn by first lady Laura Bush during a photo shoot for the upcoming exhibit titled "Balenciaga and His Legacy: Haute Couture from the Texas Fashion Collection," at the SMU Meadows Museum in Dallas, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2007. The exhibition will present the fashion designs of Cristobal Balenciaga and other designers he influenced. (AP Photo/LM Otero)Clearly the mannequin chosen to represent Laura "Crazy Eyes" Bush is just as warm and filled with personality as the real thing. I'm thinking this stand-in is a tad trimmer, though; exactly how much material is gathered and pinned in the back? It's nice to see that the kids and staff of Southern Methodist University get to fondle Laura's dainties as well as all her husband's papers 'n' things. Do they know how lucky they are to come into contact with such historically important frumpwear? Oh, the Bush Library is sure to be a fabulous, superfantastic place, a place where dreams (the Bushes' dreams, anyway) come thrillingly true!
Maybe Laura and Condi can serve this function once their husband leaves office.
Maybe Condi is serving that function now, in matching armchairs all over the world.
I see that the workers have the good sense to protect their hands from the dress with nitrile gloves. Wouldn't want to catch any Bush-cooties!
Can't argue with nixie bunny; the gloves are an obvious must. But wouldn't masks to protect against fumes 'n' fibers be a good idea too?
Call Texas OSHA immediately! (Just kidding; I know it doesn't exist.)
Whoa - you mean that's not Laura being dressed by her staff!
"Rapture Wear" by Laura Bush
Does the dress still reek of Pall Malls? I think GW approaches the flesh n' bloodless Laura with the gloves on too.
Give the mannequinette a couple toots of valium -- THEN it could be Dame Laura.
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