US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reacts as she arrives at the military part of Tegel airport in Berlin on Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2007. Rice stays for a two-day visit in the German capital. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)For once I'm simply struck speechless. I'll post a larger version later (done!), because this is just too good, and might be my favorite Condishot EVER. Well, OK, it's tied for best ever, because there's also this one:

And before anybody says anything, no, sorry, but a momentary wind gust, as enjoyable as it is, does not force a change in the Condoleezza Hairdo Alert System. Plus, subsequent photos demonstrated that the amusing hairdo setback was only temporary. Tsk.
I'm kinda excited that she's in Germany, though, because that's awfully close to Plassnikland, the happiest place on Earth!
I just saw this photo myself and was racing over here to give you a link to it. I see you're really on top of things here, Princess. Carry on.
There's that discoloration in her eye again; she should have that looked at.
Usually, the Klingon only shows up when she is frowning, but this is the new Surprised Klingon Condi! We can only wonder when we'll see it again.
And since I am second to comment, let me be first to state the obvious:
There's Something About Condi!
what's she reacting to?? Did they put mirrors outside the plane or something?
Thank you, matty, for the best use of a Farrelly Brothers title in some time.
I think somebody musta told her about one a them posts by lickingtummysogood...
I don't think the Hairdo alert system has an "Alfalfa" setting at any rate, although I suppose that helicoper/pie damage would cover most windswept damage. Relieved to hear that it was just a pixiesh, errant Germanic breeze, and not the ghost of the Luftwaffe or something.
I'm torn though, because I don't know which is funnier to contemplate: that it's actually The Condz or instead her CondiBot encountering some logic error. Like Spock just told the 'bot he liked her, but did not like Condi.
"But we are the same!" *sizzle* *smoke* *beeeeeeeeeeeep*
P.S. Surprised Klingon Condi -- snicker!
Ah...edith's friend...thanks for that....!!!
I think there is a St. Bernard behind her with his nose up the Condi-crack. Personally, that's what I look like whenever I'm goosed by something cool and drooling....happens pretty often on the subway over here in La-Bella-Vita-Land.
But I must agree. This is THE BEST Condi shot I've ever seen. The neighbors are pounding on the ceiling as my laughter has woken their pet gimp.
It's not just the hair, it's the LIPS. She's using too much lip liner--- don't know. Maybe she's been Collagened. Or the fat from our President's growing ass has been--
I won't go there....
Definitely Alfalfa, and worth an Elevated setting on the hair watch.
She probably does need all the love she can get, though she's probably getting better seating since Donny and Harriet left.
Now if Laura would only resign.
Damn. Somebody already said "Alfalfa." And I thought I was sooooo clever. LOL!
Interesting Condianalysis in today's HuffPost..
Is she as mad as he is?
Is it the photo or are those grey roots? Definitely an Elevated situation.
Dag! Couldn't the C.H.A.S. have been raised just for at least five minutes? It's been Guarded for so long...
Perhaps you should institute a Condi Facial Expression Alert System. These go far beyond Klingon, which has been her most interesting to date. Obviously the Condibot was left home for servicing (so to speak - ew!).
Look at it this way, Ivan: moments like this are the only reason the CHAS hasn't been lowered to the bottom rung.
My, Mr. Stewart. It IS true what they say about Jewish men!
Botox her. Then impeach her boss Cheney
As a proud Liberal, I am ashamed to say this, but my first thought was, Damn- that's the first black person I've ever seen with brown teeth. Are she and Laura smoking buddies or are those stains from sucking on skoal with the boys from big oil? Ick
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