U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (L) smiles as figure skating champion Michelle Kwan speaks at the Treaty Room of the State Department in Washington November 9, 2006. Rice named Kwan the public diplomacy ambassador to represent American values especially to young people and sports enthusiasts. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas (UNITED STATES)Is there any PR stunt too small for Condi? Nope.
What a lovely pair -- if Condi runs for prez (or whatever) Michelle can be her partner...
Two very different schools of thought went into the lapels present in this picture.
Hahaha! Nice blog, Princess!
I am from Ecuador and I read the Santorio`s post. What a heartless bum! Well, here in my country almost ALL politicians are the same way. Just take a look in our "next" president, the pansie Alvaro Noboa, who swears to be an "God`s Avatar" or something...
Feel free to visit!
special useless ambassador to huh?
This is the only treaty Dr. F. has negotiated in her tenure as SOS.
Dr. F spent all that time in SF Bay Area, so she thinks that men can have husbands and that figure skaters are to be revered. No wonder the woman misses California -- it's the only place that truly understands her. (I'm right there with you Condi. Let's return together and make it even MORE fabulous.)
It looks like she is admiring Michelle's ass-ets.
Good gravy, PSP. "Rice named Kwan the public diplomacy ambassador to represent American values especially to young people and sports enthusiasts." What next??? "Rice named Brian Boitano the public diplomacy ambassador to represent American values especially to aging hairdressers and sports enthusiasts."??
They appear to have similar orthodontural issues...
In all fairness to Ms. Kwan: we devastate a country in the Middle East (Iraq) that never attacked us; we provide cluster bombs, now still active & dangerous, that kill Lebanese civilians, including children; we threaten countries that want (idiotically) nuclear weapons, while we hold on and "improve" our own vast arsenal; we insult our traditional allies for more than six years; we deride the United Nations, which we helped to create; we isolate ourselves from the rest of world by our unilateralism/militarism, so sure about our all-American Karen-Hughes I'm-a-Mom "values" -- and the State Department, in all its naivete under a "I'm oh-so-proper" parochial petite bourgeoise androgynous creature from Alabama with a "PhD" (and what is more fraudulent, in so many cases, than that union-label document) whose gap in her brain is as Hughes as the one between her front teeth, now thinks we can even to begin solve these fundamental international problems with two ice skaters -- one, an amateur in the sport, being the good "Dr" Rice herself, who's been kissing Dubya's a-- since God knows when, and is still around because The Decider doesn't feel intellectually "threatened" by her; and now with another ice skater (who at least is the best at what she does) who studies now at the same minor learnery in Colorado (forgive me, U of Denver grads/profs, including Ms. Albright's deceased daddy) as "Dr" Rice did and is now being cynically used by "Dr" Rice so that she, the gymn/trainer-loving "Dr" Rice, can look good & physically "fit" (whatever that is; what is the state of her soul, if she has any, is what is important) before fat-conscious U.S. audiences, possibly with an eye to her post-Bushevik political career.
Whom, dearest of Princesses, are we kidding, except ourselves (ok, I should pay more attention to the recent elections).
P.S. Don't know much 'bout geeoo-graphy, but last time I checked there wasn't too much ice in the Middle East...maybe there's still some left in Greenland, before it melts away with Bush/oil companies-approved global warming, so Michelle can do her "public diplomacy" thing on melting icebergs...with Condi nearby saying how democracy spreads like liberated ice ...
Wow, anonymous. I'm speechless. You said it all.
That's a smile? More like a gameface. Lying without smiling just isn't practical I suppose.
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