Sunday, August 06, 2006

Katherine Harris Introduces Cuddly New Mascot/Campaign Manager

U. S. Congresswoman Katherine Harris, R-Florida, holds up a possum she purchased at the Wausau Possum Festival, Saturday, Aug. 5, 2006, in Wausau, Fla. Harris is a candidate for the U. S. Senate.(AP Photo/Phil Coale)
So clever of her to choose an animal known for playing dead and hissing! Way to go, Kathy! Also, can you spot the wily AP photographer's subtle subliminal? Give up? Here's a clue:


Anonymous said...

Maybe Manface should have taken the AP's advice and said "No!" to that last BoTox shot, you know, the one that rendered her a frankenstinian wax person incapable of showing emotion, unless her mouth pushes the motionless plains of her face aside momentarily...

Anonymous said...

Ugh...Disgusting. That poor possum.

Anonymous said...

What's the deal with her shirt sleeves?

Carmen Sutra said...

Is it just me or are her boobs getting bigger as her campaign careens closer to the edge of the cliff? I know she got a boob job, but are the implants inflatable?

PWhit said...

Is it just me or are the no pictures to be seen?
East coast time 5 ish pm

Lulu Maude said...

She really shouldn't wear Tabu on the campaign trail... it's too hard on possums.

Peteykins said...

pwapvt: Yeah, there was an outage for a little while. I don't know why, but my web host has been kinda sucky lately.

Shelly said...

as posted at

What is that nasty-ass, rat-looking, disgusting, gross thing holding that poor possum???

pineapple said...

the irony is just too much. i'm speechless

Karen Zipdrive said...

Who would hold any animal by the tail? And who would buy a possum for any reason?
She's nuts.

Anonymous said...

Harris is the Road-Kill in this and every other picture! Yes it does look like her boobs are a lot bigger than usual!Maybe someone could start a contest "How big will they get by Nov."!

Anonymous said...

i still can't think of a good reason to buy a possum - do they eat them out there?

Anonymous said...

Karen, possums hang by their tails, like monkeys -- it's not like holding a cat by the tail.