OMG have you heard? If you take one part wishful thinking, two parts pointless speculation, a small dash of denial and stir in a bored AP wire reporter, it rises in its very own special little oven to create a conjectural Condi run for President in 2008?
The too-familiar article has, indeed, all these ingredients. References to Condicentric blogs (but never this one. Oh!)? Check. Vague musings by sympathetic political analysts? Check. Running mate speculation? Check. Condi portrayed as the anti-Hillary? Check. Enthusiasm waning as she's mentioned as a Vice Presidential candidate instead? Check. Mention of bobbleheads? Check. Very, very brief mention of Condi's repeated denials? Check.
Haven't we read this same article, like, totally over and over again? Oh, right! I forgot the recipe ends with lather, rinse, repeat.
So, then, these people who have shampooed themselves into a lather over the prospect of a Condoleeza-in-Chief are somehow so progressive that they can bend their minds to the idea of a black female president? A double-first presidency of this kind is, I think, about as likely as me and the Sparkle Pony suddenly developing a voracious sexual appetite for the female of the species, while eschewing our innate love of campy television and movies in favor of episodes of The 700 Club. Ain't gonna happen...
Darlin..this has about as much a chance as me winning the Cali Lottery..and since I don't play..the chance is nil.
Nope, she's too neo-condi for that.
Hey dusty!
Do we know how many of those 5 million or so wacky evangelical Christians were African American?
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