U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice gestures at the start of her meeting with Israeli Defense Minister Amir Peretz in Jerusalem July 30, 2006. REUTERS/David Silverman/PoolWow, this is as much sustained Condiaction as we've ever had, isn't it, Pony Pals™? She was going to go to Lebanon today but, you know, decided not to for some reason. Somebody said the Lebanese didn't want her to come, but can you imagine? Not wanting Condi to grace your country? OMG, I don't think so. Meanwhile:

A Red Cross paramedic carries a body of Lebanese child recovered from the rubble of a demolished building that was struck by Israeli war plane missiles at the village of Qana near the southern Lebanon city of Tyre, Sunday, July 30, 2006. At least 50 people, including scores of children, were killed Sunday in an Israeli airstrike on this southern Lebanon village _ the deadliest attack in 19 days of fighting. Infuriated Lebanese officials canceled a planned visit by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, adding a major new hurdle to efforts to bring a cease fire. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

Anyway, back to Condi, because, like, dead children are a total bring-down. Do you like her beautiful periwinkle suit? Also, please notice that she's wearing those gold accessories that she should have worn with her exciting Malaysian party dress the other day. Oh, Condi, you had them with you the whole time!
UPDATE: Um, hello Metafilter kids! My goodness, there's a lot of you. But... how should I put this... I think maybe some of you need to check your clogged satire filters.
Condi's invisible friend has gotten smaller...
Princess, i've been watching What Not To Wear on TLC, and the hosts just totally dissed Condi! They threw out this woman's clothes with the comment, "Excuse me, Condoleezza Rice called and she needs her suit back!" A travesty I thought you should be aware of.
Well bless her, she's still got her sense of humor. Even when people mess up her plans by killing women and little children, she can still smile. What a trooper! Notice there are no blood stains on her suit.
She looks like she's emulating Mary Tyler Moore--turning the world on with her smile.
umm just a little perm below the forelock, Condi, honey.
Did somebody say 'chef' of fashion? My my ! ! ! Condi is da Hawt !
"Satire Filters"?? You mean this isn't really a blog about Condoleeza's hair? Do you have some hidden agenda? Gosh.
The leading photo looks like a certain Supreme COurt Judge and his "va fonculo" greeting from a church in Boston........
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