U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, left, is shown the way by Malaysia Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar upon arriving for the Gala Dinner of 39th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Thursday, July 27, 2006. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)We haven't seen Dr. Ferragamo in evening dress in quite some time, so this is a superspecial treat. OMG, Lebanon seems farther away than ever! Yay!
Also, would you have worn such WASPy pearls with that dress? Me neither.
Wow! My toes are tappin'. Makes me want to sing "There'll Never Be Another Yul."
are they the irremovable (ala Barbie) stud earrings of the Condibot???
Now THAT looks like a Gala indeed!
And, no, her necklace choice was rather dull. Break out the rocks, darlin', or hell, those pooka shells I know you keep with your old albums of Pink Floyd. Or a string of coral even.
Wait a minute...maybe it's made of candy!!
Oooh, yeah, some kind of red coral thing would have been good. The pearls look ridiculous with an exotic dress like that.
Republicans have to wear pearls. On occasion they get to wear little diamond hearts from their husbands, but since Condojez's husband is tied up with Crazy Eyes, she has to stick to pearls.
Wow, she's so embarrassingly useless I can't take it any more!
Hmmm... I forgot. Since she's single (technically), she can also wear gold chains... which would look better with her Asian frock.
I think Deborah Kerr just barfed
I think she should have worn a string of miniature carved ivory death's heads, like one of the deites of destruction in an eastern religion from Tibet.
Kali's necklace of 52 skulls (or sometimes severed heads) goes down to below her waist. She is also belted with severed arms and stands atop the seemingly dead body of her husband.
This would be a wonderful outfit for Condi to wear, if it were not for the fact that Kali is topless. We all know that we can't have boobies floating about all exposed and stuff.
OK, how about the Kali outfit with a coconut bra? OMG, a Svarovski-Crystal-encrusted coconut bra!
Emelda Marcos called and she wants her damn dress back.
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