OMG, this is simply too much. These totally mean people are being soooo, soooo unfair to Condi, and they keep calling her, mockingly, "Miss Rice" throughout the article to add insult to injury. That's Doctor Ferragamo to you, Mr. Insight Magazine editor! OMG I could simply scream! Incompetant! Condoleezza Rice! I ask you!
Also, can you believe that our beloved Dr. Secretary has provided the definitive image of the success of our foreign policy (see above)? Somehow, I don't think that's the kind of image Condi or any of her friends really wanted, but... well, when a gal's gotta wince, a gal's gotta wince.
Poor Condi. Plus, all this fuss just can't be good for her hair and skin.
At least it's only a headache. What if it was a Middle East Birth Pang??
Oh, that's right - Condomleeza can't conceive!
I can't even go there to think that the cons don't like Ms Condoleeza. What are they thinking?
Those meanies are just ugly hairy men and are all whatever because Condi is popular and they aren't and she gets to fly all over and stuff whilst they all sit in a basement in Foggy Bottom like spazzy D&D dweebs planning the invasion of Iran. I mean, George and Condi are like BFF so how come they get that Condi is the Princess Amidala to George's Luke Skywalker? They're just jealous!
BTW. Are there any pix of Condi without a pearl necklace? And where does it come from? Is it just the one permanantly stuck around her neck or is someone in the administration constantly giving her pearl necklaces?
One last thing..whilst I bow to you when it comes to all things Condi, I have a theory that whilst Condi undoubtedly has an invisible friend in the US, when she's out shopping for friends in other countries, her friend is replaced by an invisible tuna casserole, presented as a neighbourly gesture. I provide an example of this theory at my own incoherent blog. I may be completely wrong but then that's for history to decide after we are all dead.
They say that her policy is going to collapse soon. OMG, I didn't even know that she had a policy, except maybe flight insurance. Okay, then the matching armchairs, flower arrangement policy that you have so generously pointed out to us... but what could collapse? The armchairs look sturdy to me.
Hey PSP, it's lawyer time. John Stewart mak have ininfinged on your
trademark with tonights Condimeter !!
His pained princess picture ranked just above Kofi Annan copping on the
Daily Sho'ws scale.
Copping a feel that is........
Sparklepeople just WHAT is going on behind the blue podium in Tuesday's post?? Why is Condi giggling??? Is Olmert indicating the size of a fish he caught?
Is that just one "anonymous" commenting or several? Because anonymous seems to come up with the bestest comments, as does LULU MAUDE and MISS KITTEN. I am so outclassed and outsparkle-ponied in this venue. This blog is better than a bottle of Excedrin (and I swear by those pills). Thanks for caring about Condi--if you don't, who will? Definitely one of the best blogs I know of. Of which I know...whatever.
Your Sparkly Princessness -
Here's a vote for seeking recognition from the Daily Show for their obviously having read and been 'inspired' by your blog.
it actually looks like she is about to make a psychic prediction...
Get a load of that watch she's wearing.
Looks like an 8th grade graduation watch.
I hope Sears gave her parents a guarantee on that gold-toned piece of crap.
Ethel to Tillie
Ethel to Tillie
If you need to put this expression into historical context, you can view the Condi-Meter
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