Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik (R) poses with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (L) in Vienna. The world's key powers reached a breakthrough agreement on a deal designed to persuade Iran to halt sensitive atomic activities or face the threat of UN sanctions over its nuclear program. (AFP/HOPI-MEDIA/Bernhard J. Holzner)Here's one of those existential questions I'm faced with every once in a while: If I were German*, would I devote my blog to Condi's counterpart/soul sistah, the fabulous Ms. Plassnik? Let's see, we've got a noteworthy hairdo, peculiar accessories, spastic hand gestures...
The answer is yes, yes, a thousand times yes!
*Ahem! Or Austrian. Whatevs!
Ursula Plassnik is obviously of fine, strong Aryan stock...just look at that strapping being!
I don't know anything about her politics. Have to delve into it.
OT, but wtf. Article at Wayne Madsen on Bright Eyes Bush living at a Washington hotel because of an alleged relationship between Whore-hey and Kinda-sleazy. Hmmm
Wait, um... what? Where?
Ah, OK... found it. See above!
Austrian, Sparkle...
But how bout them primary colors. Do you think they called each other before they came out to play?
Those little clenched fists, just itching to yank out a few handfuls of that Barbie hair.
Such self-control.
Are we sure das big lady ist eine lady? She looks like Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie, only bigger.
Look at the hands!
I haven't seen hands like that on a woman since "The Crying Game."
We all fear the day that we meet our photo negative.
LOL, Seamus!
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