U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (R), Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (C) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Marine General Peter Pace after a briefing to Senators on Capitol Hill in Washington, June 13, 2006. REUTERS/Jim Young (UNITED STATES)Sometimes it seems like Condi 'n' Rummy have a running contest to see who can be the most unphotogenic, and yesterday Donny won hands-down, as you can see above. I like to call that his "Oh-oh, my meds ran out" face, and we've seen it before.
In more up-to-date matters, Condi got to play ambassador today... ambassador to Jesus:

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice speaks to the crowd during the 2006 annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention at the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina, June 14, 2006. REUTERS/Sam Roberts (UNITED STATES)Wow, both barrels, baby! Alternative caption: Secretary Rice exaggerates when asked to describe her more intimate moments with George.
I can't believe I ate the whole thing...
dirty dirty!!!
So many unanswered questions........
1a--is La Condee trying to work on the Cheney-Grimace? 1b Is she measuring out here invisible friend compared to Whore-hey's?
2 the prior photos of Rumdfailed are also taken in June--do you think he may have a Gemini problem?
exaggerates is a over simplification..shes a lying ass about the size..
No, so wrong!
She's impersonating a goal umpire in Australian Rules football: "GOAL!"
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