Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice appears on 'Fox News Sunday' in Washington on June 4, 2006. Rice took a wait-and-see approach toward Iran's next moves in a dispute over its nuclear ambitions, after the country's top religious leader suggested on Sunday it could disrupt oil supplies if pushed. (Freddie Lee-Fox News Sunday/Handout/Reuters)OMG, forget Iran and Iraq and all those other things, because today we have to discuss marriage!
And by marriage I don't mean gay marriage, either (PSYCH!), but more --a bunch more-- speculation about George 'n' Condi 'n' Laura at the Wayne Madsen Report, via Blogactive. What the heck is going on here? Is this real? Now they're throwing George Bush gay sex into the mix. Could we be so lucky? Oh, we've been hurt before, so let's not get our hopes up too high.
Even Mike Rogers at Blogactive seems to be at a loss for words, and that, Pony Pals™, is extraordinary. Speaking of which, however, don't forget to check in frequently with Mike this week, as the "debate" over hairdresser marriage brings him ever-closer to the big reveal, the major Republican outing he's been promising us all year.
For as much as I would want this story to be true (i.e. with every shred of my being) the person that is Mike's source, Leolo McConnell, has sort of a history of this and has previously tried to say she had the goods on Bill Bennett.
I just looked up Victor Ashe on Google image search and can't imagine him having sex with either gender... unless he looked like Prince Harry in his youth...
Of course, it's hard to get serious about the statement of a dominatrix. I do wish she would just whip the hell out of the current idiot.
Look, folks, we all know about Condi. There is no way she's interested in Bush. I mean, I can't help it if you want to live inside your own echo chamber and believe the likes of Wayne Madsen and NewsHounds, but there you have it.
Sorry libs, but as any hyper-smart and very ambitious Secretary of State knows, the American People will vote Tres Butch for President, but they will never vote for the Other Woman, a scheming hussy who made Laura cry and forced her to move back to Texas.
This sounds like Democrats with too much time on their hands who decided to plant a story over the weekend to distract from Al Gore's attempt to smear Hillary with the Belinda Stronach thing in the NYT. The reason why this isn't being picked up by the MSM is that it's such a transparent plant of a story.
Thnks for the props...
love the blog...
made it a reader's pick on
X-tra cool, Mike! I am awaiting your further revelations with glitter-tainted breath!
Condi's the only person I can imagine in this administration who's a whip wielder in the office and in the bedroom. And there's no way she tolerate a spineless man in her house. Shame though, since anything that would make Laura cry would be a beautiful thing, especially after that first Inaugural Ball dress/abortion she wore.
Maybe her dry cleaner should start looking for ranch flavored Dorito scented stains on her dresses.
Methinks Bush would be the premature ej type.
I have been gone for a few days..did I miss the outing?
God, I hope not..
I just want to know why Condi's giving her invisible friend an anal probe :(
OMGLOL. Ew, that's gross, z7.
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