That's our Purple Princess yesterday, returning from Mothers' Day weekend at Camp David with her bestest buddies ever. Sure, it's not a very exciting shot, but from a hairdo standpoint, it's nice to see Condi sporting the updo during the daytime, perhaps revealing a newfound hair energy. Perhaps we're in for a change north of the eyebrows? This isn't enough to merit a change in the Hairdo Alert System, but I'll monitor the coiffure as closely as ever this week.
Also: what does a crazy lady look like? She looks like this:

She's so crazy, she killed Dr. Evil for his outfit.
JFC, now I can't get the 8x10 outta my head! Thanks a *lot*, Princess. By the way, this is totally weird that you made that particular joke this morning, 'cause last night I dreampt that I was a reporter in the '80's following Nancy Reagan around and found out she was a totally lecherous chickenhawk lesbian. I really, really did. What could that mean?!?
It means Nancy was a chickenhawk lesbian...why do you think Ronnie called her mommy for gods sake?
Which finger is she extending? Isn't that the picture they used with her don't-believe-the-polls-about-Dumbya's-approval ratings?
With all the dough Bush has skimmed off the economy, would it kill him to pony up a few sheckels and hire a freakin' tailor for Laura's baggy suits?
She looks like she slept in that ecru Mao peasant uniform.
It covers her...um... imperfections.
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