Have you heard? According to dependably wacky Iowa Republican Steve King, the District is more dangerous than Iraq! OMG, I totally didn't know I was so brave, or in so much peril!
I was going to get all statisticky to disprove Mr. King's claim, but... well, it's just too silly. First of all, he's only using the Pentagon's stats for Iraqi civilian deaths, and here it's helpful to recall Peter Pace's famous "We don't do body counts" quote. Second, the nutty Republican is conveniently leaving out all the American and foreign military forces, contractors and support staff, which hardly seems fair.
But, really, all we need to do is use King as a test subject. I'm assuming that he has wandered around DC a bit since he was elected, so that part of the experiment is done. Now, let's set him down in the middle of Fallujah so that he can see for himself how "safe" it is.
Pink Pony Flashback: Meet Steve King!
UPDATE: I sent this story to Think Progress, hoping they'd do the heavy-lifting to completely discredit it, and they delightfully have.
What a thrill to meet Steve. I was pondering a visit to DC, but I'll scratch that idea. I'd hate to be blown up in a roadside bombing.
It was kind of you to link back to your earlier post... those were my pre-Pony days. It's hard to believe that there were ever days without you.
I was crabbier then
That NewsMax site is a hoot - check out the "links to checkout"(sic) at the bottom of the page!
Love it! Like anything from Iowa other than mad cow is dangerous.
I saw him on tv talking about this and it was funny as hell because at the end he said he wasn't saying we should go and visit Iraq because it was a very dangerous place.
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