Javier Solana(L) of the European Union, meets with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at the US State Department in Washington, DC. The United States, facing stubborn opposition to sanctions against Iran, gave its European allies "a couple of weeks" to draft new incentives for Tehran to halt its controversial nuclear program.(AFP/Karen Bleier)Things started off well enough, but Mr. Solana seemed a little antsy, like he had better things to do than costar in one of Sparkleezza's matching armchairs photo sessions. Mr. Solana, just sit down! It takes two minutes, OK? Stop fussing!

Clearly the man is agitated, and our Condi is amused. He's a frisky li'l Euro! But soon enough, the humor turns to horror as the EU guy starts flinging his extravagent hand gestures a little too close for comfort:

Whoah! Back off, Mister! Do you think he'll dare to actually touch the Princess?

OMG. Somebody call FEMA! In a perfect world, she next flings the drink.
Does Condi now need a big tumbler of vodka to get through her photo shoots?
Well, yes, if all the fellows want to paw at her.
She wasn't raised for that.
It's cos Jack's left her all alone, she's open territory now!
hot damn..those touchy feely types just drive her up a wall I bet..unless it was her paramour Jack Straw..but thats ancient history.
Theory blown again.
I wonder if Jack Straw (from witchita?) let all the other guys how to get to condi's.... well, whatever might be there to be gotten...
Doesn't he know that the tastefull small flower arrangement is the 'do not cross' line?
This is Perfectoleeza's side, this is yours...if you can't get that straight, we will have to bomb your ass. NOBODY, and I reapeat NOBODY, shall invade Princess Condi's personal space....
We saw a Condi up-do at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris this morning!
And we thought of you.
WOW! I haven't seen Condi do the, "No you dih-n't" finger before!
For someone with such tight personal boundaries, she sure thinks nothing of invading the boundaries of other nations.
"Hey, Javier: pull my finger."
I think a can of pepper spray is going to start appearing alongside the tasteful flower arrangements.
What is with the constant display of Condilegomyeggoleezza's hind legs? Do all the photogs think htey are handsome? (And do you suppose some day she will pull a Sharon Stone move from "Basic Instinct?")
Her legs ARE handsome. The shots are intended to flommox.
(And do you suppose some day she will pull a Sharon Stone move from "Basic Instinct?")
Oh my God.
I've seen enough Bushes in the last five years.
KZD--for those few of us who do not see current films...what would pulling a Sharon Stone move from Basic Instincts look like? My outsiderness serves me well as far as some stuff goes, but sometimes I'm lost in space........LOL O.S.
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