The Art Newspaper reports today that MOMA has acquired the breathtaking portrait of our heroine seen above:
The Museum of Modern Art in New York has acquired The Secretary of State (2005), a portrait of Condoleezza Rice by Luc Tuymans. According to Tuymans, his initial inspiration for the painting came during Ms Rice’s 2005 trip to Belgium when the nation’s foreign affairs minister described her as a “strong, not unpretty woman”."Not unpretty." LOL! Clearly this is a great honor for Secretary Ferragamo. See a larger picture and find out more about the artist, Luc Tuymans, from artcritical.com.
That's what is known as a left-handed compliment: not really a compliment at all. Like saying someone has a nice personality, or is a good dancer.
Hmm, I certainly wouldn't have that hanging in my house...
On other news, it looks like the Jack and Condi show is over! Jack Straw just got replaced as Foreign Sec in the UK! Ooo-err, bet they're both heartbroken, no more trips to Blackburn for her!
That portrait appears to be begging for tendrils of snake hair.
Awww... gee, it sort of looks as if it was done in pastels.... or maybe it was done in make-up? Are you sure Sister Nancy hasn't started tapping into her visual art side??
It is a lovely portrait, yet so hauntingly familiar...
Wheee! Now that's synchronicity.
Oy vey! That portrait is second only to Bill Clinton's official portrait, where he's standing casually with his hand in his pocket, as if he's checking on Naughty Lil' Bill.
She's showing a bit of that scary snaggly tooth and voodoo eyes.Like she's thinking "Dance for me minions of darkness.Yes, dance for me my precious."
Someone really gave their Photoshop smudge tool a workout.
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