What if Katie Couric and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Fell Madly in Love?
- 06-20-06: CBS Evening News wardrobe master quits in frustration, make-up artists laid off.
- 07-02-06: Ad revenues plummet when Katie declares a fatwa against "salty, ultra-carby snacks".
- 08-16-06: NYPD sadly announces that the headless body found at Rockefeller Center indeed belongs to missing Today Show host Meredith Vieira
- 09-04-06: In an attempt to further understand the culture from which his bride hails, Abu Musab watches Legally Blonde four times but is bewildered by its metaphors.
O sweet jesus..I damn near choked on my skyy and soda dear man..over the last entry(Abu Musab watches Legally Blonde four times but is bewildered by its metaphors)..
Bravo PSP..bravo..I love this post!
I salute you PSP!Even if I am a tad loaded.. :P
Fannnnntastic stuff, Sparkle Pony!
It's posts like these that make me proud to own a Sparkle Pony coffee mug. I 'bout spritzed the screen with Oregon Pinot Noir.
Miss Pony, you consistently amaze me.
(I have the maple leaf T-shirt)
Lol! Genius! I'm deffo going to go and purchase some SPP merchandise, this blog just gets better and better!
Finally... a fresh new face on the evening news. I just know her ratings will soar.
Soar like an eagle..or a buzzard?
just curious:P
We're in good company here with our Pony friends drinking wine from a PSP coffee mug! Bwahahahahaha Anyone have an extra straw?
Hey, I have an outfit just like that!
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