Condi and Her Shadow Play Good Cop/Bad Cop with the Prime Minister of Bulgaria
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, left, speaks to Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev, right, in the Bulgarian capital Sofia Friday, April, 28, 2006. Condoleezza Rice and Bulgaria's Foreign Minister Ivailo Kalfin signed an agreement Friday allowing U.S. troops to be deployed in this former Warsaw Pact country. Under the 10-year deal, seen as part of a broader U.S. military strategy of shifting troops based in Europe farther east, up to 2,500 U.S. troops would be deployed in the Balkan country on a rotational basis. (AP Photo/Petar Petrov)
another country buys into our military bs..lovely. LaConda sure is smiley in this the shadow.
Condibot's probably saying, "I'd like to have you for dinner Mr. Sergei" --- no!! don't do it Sergie, she'll eat you!!!
hmmmm ... Princess Sparkle Pony really has a stiffy about the Secretary of State bigtime.
I have been doing a pretty good job of getting through her Secretariat by simply pretending she doesn't exist. Absolutely not my wife ... there are dimensions to Condoleeza Rice for her which are entirely invisible to me. The Hair Thing, for example. And of course the twinkie outfits. This is why God dresses Power Men in precisely identical suits.
She has a great utilitarian smile. I mean, there she is, vanguard of all American Foreign Policy during these Strange Times, she is regularly obligated to publicly maintain that the Moon is made of blintzes and Up will soon be Down all over the Middle East -- if I had to say bizarre crap like that all over the world, I would take special courses to get that Smile down right.
I wish I understood the hair and the outfits better. I wish I could read their messages, which are so clear every nightly news to my wife, and so invisible to me.
At this moment she represents a violent behemoth which is putting on a History Theater Piece to convince Eurasia, Africa and Latin America that we are The New Rome, and if you fuck with us, the Secretary of State will Smile Wide, and then Rumsfeld will do the Shock & Awe on your populus for having in some way displeased New Rome.
The other night a woman in Baghdad (through a translator) said: "Death came to us on a plate that said Democracy."
Rome I was better at it than we seem to be. Bush and his Team seem to be trying to be The New k-Mart Rome, willing to pay only billions rather than trillions on these Adventures, and getting very annoyed that so many Inferiors in the Shocked & Awed Places will not surrender and Get With The New Program.
Condoleezza has an easy job this administration. She tells the leaders of the nations of the world: Do Our Bidding, or Experience Our Wrath. She smiles, opens a door and holds it open for Rumsfeld to unleash the Dogs of War.
Whadda job. Thanks Bob. And she needs to plan a visit to her fave tonsorial emporium. She's starting to look like Olive Oyle.
Awesome post, Bob! Thank you so much for taking the time to write that.
I wish I understood the hair and the outfits better. I wish I could read their messages, which are so clear every nightly news to my wife, and so invisible to me.
That's why I'm here!
I wonder if her parents have one of those shadow profiles of her, cut from construction paper and matted in an oval frame?
Remember those?
Condi casts a shadow? Damn -- There goes my vampire theory.
Shadow ,Shadow,
on the wall,
Who's the fairest, sparkliest,
pretty, pretty ,pretty princess of all?
There is a definite Darth Vader feel to that shadow - Like on the Starwars 1 posters.
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