U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice embraces Jean-Claude Baumgarten, President of the World Travel and Tourism Council, after Rice spoke at the global travel and tourism summit in Washington April 12, 2006. Rice spoke of issues with travel and tourism to the United States since September 11, 2001. REUTERS/Jason Reed
He's whispering, 'Donnez-moi some tongue...'
I think the world's collective head would explode if those two started macking like crazy right then and there.
posed as they are, it seems that they are smelling each other's banquet lunch breath...
Oooo baby!
Taffeta darling, taffeta - it wrinkles so easily... or Church tongue, not porno tongue
What the hell kinda diplomatic hug is that??
It reminds me of when my brother and I were kissing hello and we accidentally kissed on the lips!
Man, that dude is fugly..what was she thinking getting that close for gods sake? Is he THAT important a person?
Whats Jack Straw gonna think?
she's moist... i can tell.
Isn't this a scene out of The Hunger?
I hear the song "Viens, Mallika" in the background!
Apparently Condi has some irresistable perfume that people go crazy over...according to some random White House gossip on some other blogs anyway...obviously she just likes to drive the guys wild!
Pheromones, baby.
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