US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice(R) listens as US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld(L) testifies during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington. A national unity government must be formed promptly in Iraq to avoid a civil war but if one does break out the United States will rely on Iraqi security forces to contain it, Rumsfeld said.(AFP/Paul J. Richards)
Had that imbecile Bush 43 talked to his daddy even once before he invaded Iraq, Bush 41 would have told him why invading a hellhole like Iraq was a real bad idea.
Bush 43 has squandered our billions and our troops on warring factions locked in the 14th century.
Rummy and Condi are trying to mop up some of the mess by telling the Iraqis they are on their own now.
That should fix things.
These jerks remind me of Nick Carraway's description of Tom and Daisy Buchanan in THE GREAT GATSBY: "They were careless people... they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness...and let other people clean up the mess they had made..."
"slam dunk" my ass....
Oh, it is all going to hell, and if troops still in Iraq are not withdrawn, these fucking demons will have the slaughter of the remaining troops on their hands.
You know, if all those troops were Bush supporters, I wouldn't even care if they died. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people stuck over there who got caught in this whole mess and don't support Bush/Cheney et al.
Look at those faces. They could be right out of Wolf Ram & Hart law offices...
Awsomely good Fitzgerald quote. So good.
I think Condi sits at home holding her cat's ass up to a mirror trying to perfect that lip look. :-)
In (date) a (western country) invaded Iraq and claimed they would be welcomed as liberators, not conquerors. They had trouble occupying Iraq and suggested that the insurection might be coming from outside sources such as Syria. They remained in Iraq after they created a council for the Iraqis to govern themselves, but at home the war was unpopular. People didn't want the troops dying over there anymore, but the government responded that if they pull out now there will be civil war.
The date? 1917. The country? Britan.
Lulu, you go girl.
Lulu hit the nail on the head didn't she?
Our young men and women are over there waiting for the other shoe to drop and it's going to real soon..even if that jackass Peter whats-his-name said Sunday on MTP that everything is "fine"..that lying sack of sheep shit.
Condi does look like she's been smelling something nasty..perhaps Rummy farted..and at his age..thats got to be nasty.
Lulu, niiiiiice quote. The thing that makes me wonder about Condi and the rest is that they always look so miserable and angry. That can't be an enjoyable and fufilling life.
As usual, LuLu uses her vast knowledge of literature to pinpoint the perfect quote.
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