Is there any doubt --any doubt at all?-- that the Republicans' current hysterical campaign against illegal immigration is motivated by their simple dislike and fear of The Mud People?
The above is a screenshot (red circle added) from Fox News, via Think Progress. Here's a comparative illustration for discussion:

Update: On a whim, I went to Free Republic to see if any of their commenters use the word 'beaner'. And look! They actually have a 'beaners' topic tag! How helpful:

Not only racist, but a great distraction. Gives the fringe group somebody to hate besides Bush.
Good for you, Pony.
So much for the Repugnicans' years of carefully cultivating the 'beaner'vote.
This whole debate is stupid. The legislation calls for deporting people without proper papers or no papers. We are talking about mixed families,children, that are making a difference in our society!!
I am the whitest white chick in white america. But I grew up in Southern Texas, and the best friends I ever had were Mexicans.
Even here where I live now, they are more productive, more law-abiding than most of the lazy ass redneck white people !!!
This thing is just propaganda so they don't have to get on to the real business of running this broke ass, defunct, under bad management country.
First off..illegals can't collect welfare in Cali..and havent been able to for years..so those friggin morons have no clue and evidently don't research shit.
I am so sick and tired of arguing with simple-minded, retarded repubes about this issue..they all have blinders on and fail to see many of the true issues here.Example: A cheap labor force for the Shrub's best friends, aka large corporations, that do not get to live here, just come work for next to nothing and then go back to whence they came..just one of my problems with the Frist bill.
Could they be talking about my favorite local coffee chain?
Probably not...
The issue of outsourcing American jobs to other countries and giving companies who do giant tax breaks is a hell of a lot more damaging to our economy than worrying about 'wetbacks.'
Bush's base depends on illegal aliens to clean their houses, nanny their children, do their gardening and pick their crops.
Bush isn't about to do anything to change the status quo, like fining the employers rather than the penniless workers.
As if!
It's all just words for Bush. He's not going to do a damn thing about it.
HALLELUYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHITE ONLY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
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