Friday, March 10, 2006

Quickie: Another Abramoff Buddy Bites the Dust!

Word is that Gale Norton, Secretary of the Interior and totally covered in that nasty Abramoff stink, is resigning today. Huzzah!

This post will self-destruct once everybody else starts writing about it.

EDIT: OK, this post can stay, because I just loved this comment from Pony Pal™ Isabelita:
They'll replace her with a fleet of gigantic wood chippers. Why beat around the bush anymore?


Unknown said...

Yay!!! Its party down and a boatload to go..

Karen Zipdrive said...

Nice catch, Ms. Pony.
We hear so much dirt about Bush's major cabinet members like Rummy and Condo, we forget the lesser criminals on team BushCo like moneywhore Gail Norton.
Can't wait to see her replacement.
Hoping it's Neal Bush.
May as well be.

isabelita said...

They'll replace her with a fleet of gigantic wood chippers. Why beat around the bush anymore? The GOP would love to turn our wild areas, such as they are, into golf courses and ATV tracks.
Fuck them all to hell.