Sorry, but I can never resist a full-frontal close-up. We live for such pictures, right? Anyway, that's our heroine giving a lecture at a soccer stadium, which is, I suppose, how they do things in Blackburn. Go Rovers! What really struck me, though, is that her host, the British Foreign Secretary, just can't. keep. his. mitts. off. her (see also earlier today):

Is this an example of that English decorum we've heard so much about? Look! Here he goes again, in for the arm-grab:

Seriously, are they fucking? He's a married man! I don't want to really think about it anymore. But finally, because I was hoping for an evening wear shot, here she is with the conductor of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra:

A little help here? I'm unable to interpret this costume, and there aren't any better shots so far. I'm not sure I like the long sleeved double-breasted with a short skirt thing she's got going on. Plus, is that metallic fabric, or is it silk? Where's the Washington Post's Robin Givhan when I finally need her?
The evening ensemble fabric looks like metallic pleather to me.
jesus..i have no clue wtf she is wearing in the last photo..and that smile...looks like the time-honored coat hanger smile to moi.
he does like to touch her doesnt he? perhaps he has his own version of laura bush at home..
Honey, that's not a full frontal closeup, that's a full DENTAL closeup. My God, with only a couple thousand dollars, she could make SUCH a difference. :)
(And, ps, I think that is silk. Anything less would NOT be Conditastic....)
Given the proper opportunities, I think I'd spend as much time as possible with my hands on Condi.
I mean, c'mon, who the hell do you personally know that can top a "I repeatedly groped the freaking SECRETARY OF STATE" over some pints? It'd be the greatest drunken anecdote of all time.
And who knows... maybe the mauve business jacket was just that touch-tastic.
The hair looks great in the shot of Straw steering her through the breeze. She looks thrilled to be relieved of the responsibility of looking where she's walking. Like a good game of trust.
How high are those heels?
Adam, that was hilarious.
I can just see Jack Straw at his local pub, half drunk and making up limericks about feeling up the American S of S.
"There once was a lass from the states
Who never would go out on dates
So I groped her and shagged her
I damn nearly bagged her
And now we're the best of friends, mates."
hot damn..very good limerick KZ..
I think the Philharmonic outfit is chameleon skin, and it's kinda going berserk trying to blend in with the jumbled background.
That is her real alien skin starting to show, as the hoolgram wears off...
Has she.....could she possibly... do you think she's smothered the lapels with those cute "Whores against Wars" badges? I mean all that groping with Jack.....
Or are they tiny little shrunken heads?
Condi needs a Condiwaxing...
I mean seriously....
those eyebrows need some serious attention.
If the bitch can afford Manolos she can afford some damn dental work..jesus christ in a thong her teeth are nasty...I am gonna have nightmares.
I still think she has those brows threaded not plucked--so retro, plucking.
SHe is a figure-skatin', piano-playin' Stanford chair and she stands at "10:00/2:00"! Dr. Ferragamo we salute you!
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