Thursday, March 23, 2006

How to Hobble Science

It's probably a relief for most Arkansas politicians to know that there won't be any pesky, "divisive", time-consuming evolution controversies to interfere with their desires to keep the little ones stupid. Why? Well, pretty much every single science teacher in every single public school in the state wouldn't be caught on record even uttering the word, much less divulging its meaning in the classroom. A geography teacher, for instance, can only describe million-year-old rocks as "very very old", in strict accordance with the Bible. Such an inconvenience... it's better just to ignore potentially touchy subjects altogether, isn't it?

So if you're a child in Little Rock and you're wondering about the origins of life on earth, well, ask your pastor, because he's the only one allowed to answer your questions.

Read it and weep, Pony Pals™! Two sparkley hooves WAY up to Jason R. Wiles, the intrepid reporter who will no doubt be forever banned from the state.


Shelly said...

The Big Bang Theory is can only be used to refer to the skanks behind the bleachers at the home town football games...
You know the ones, they are wearing their "saving ourselves" promise rings while blowing their boyfriends....

Unknown said...

o my god are cracking me up!

Ah..Arkansas..a place that will forever be home to bible-thumping morons..they are going to make sure of that aren't they?

Mark said...

This pony pal is flaberghasted.

Anonymous said...

Hello Inquisition. Is there someone we can give the state of Arkansas to?

Anonymous said...

"Curb your science"? These cretins should really walk the walk and scuttle everything "tainted" by science. That's right, renounce pesticides and fertilizers for crops, medicine for sick cows (and people for that matter), computers, automobiles, phones, TV, refrigerators, tornado sirens, electricity, city water, hairspray...I could go on. Fuckwads.

Karen Zipdrive said...

I believe that sign is fake.
1. There are no bullet holes in it.
2. Everything is spelled correctly.

TexasYankee said...

old sow, nobody wants it. alas.