Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Reuters Indulges in Meta-Irony

What's a news outlet to do when celebrities decline to provide new material for the gaping maw of its gossip-starved public? Well, in Reuters' case, they write a stunningly pointless article about all the space wasted on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, all the while wasting an entire article on them at the same time! It's obviously a win-win situation.

It's a simple process: when a media frenzy runs out of raw fuel, it starts, Saturn-like, to eat its own children.

Wait... does that mean I'm doing it, too?

UPDATE: Columbia Journalism Review also decided to take a whack at this low-hanging piƱata of a story.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

for gawds sake..are people that friggin twisted? who cares if they marry? I wanna know if he's good in bed...thats all. Cuz his acting in that Roman debacle was atrocious.