I'm jumping the gun by one day because I swear there's nothing else for me to write about today. But anyway, yes, tomorrow is this blog's first birthday.
My first idea was to make Sparkle Pony kind of a faux children's web site, and you can definitely see that in the first month in the archives. In fact, the first subtitle for this blog was "Politics 'n' Media... You Know, for Kids!" I figured out pretty quickly that I'd never be able to keep that up, so after a few months, things settled down to the present form. Plus, you know, I realized that Condi's hairdo was a gift which would never, ever stop giving.
Initially, I thought of this site as a simple dumping ground for my more politically-minded Photoshopped pictures from elsewhere on the internet. I never intended it to become a daily thing, and I never ever thought it would become such a demanding (but adorable) little monkey on my back. I thought maybe a dozen of my Fark buddies would look at it every once in a while, hardly the 500-or-so who now check it every day (it's my birthday, I'm allowed to be braggy). Here are some year-1 fun facts:
- I've hosted 'n' posted just under 1,000 pictures here, so I think I can stop feeling apologetic about "not really being a photoblog."
- I'm not even remotely as queeny as you may imagine (please back me up here, John).
- The face on my "self portrait" is not mine. See what other Photoshoppers did with the same face here.
- Here's the horrifying truth.
- When not writing as PSP, I never use "OMG" or "LOL".
Happy birthday, Princess. I adore your site, as you know, and it's a treat to see that your alter ego is actually rather butch looking.
Happy birthday! Found you a couple of months ago. Love the site! Love the princess! And woof woof to the real you!!! Kisses from Tampa.
Teen Leader
Oh, Your Hiney... I am so glad Sparkle was born. You are a daily joy! Many happy returns.
Happy Birthday My little princess
So I'm just one in 500? pity, I thought I was one in a million.
Congrats to you, and may Condis' hair never disapoint.
Your a handsome devil if I do say so..love the goatee.
I worship your photoshop ability and this blog..your a joy to read daily..sometimes several times a day.
Here's to another year of Sparkle Pony :)
I knew the Pony before she was the Pony. So I will back you up: one of the things I enjoy about the blog is that you've created this persona so unlike your actual real-life self. One just never knows what's lurking deep inside!
And I wonder if the princess will grow up to look like the dude at the top of the right column at eschaton at atrios....
Happy ONE, princess. You often make MY day.
Many happy returns, pony, and thanks for the picture. And the labor of luv.
Happy Horsieversary!
This is my favorite Blog. I like it even better than my own.
Happy Birthday my Princess! I read PSP before anything else in the morning. The best on the web! Keep up the outstanding work!
Happy Birthday! (And the truth looks good if you ask me.)
Oh Princess, didn't your best friend tell you about facial hair?
Happy Birthday, thanks for all the fun!
Before you came along I was constantly exhausted from trying to keep track of Condi's hair. You are a true American hero!
Two hoofs waaaayyy up, hon'. You are simply, utterly fabulous.
Happy Birthday and thanks for so much fun.
Oooooh, there's the vodka.
Buh bye.
yay! I never miss reading your wonderful blog. Here's to a brazillion more years.
You're just lovely in that orange hat. Condi must be so jealous. Happy Blogiversary, and here's to many more.
Happy birthday! Nice to hear that your Princess Sparkle Pony alter-ego allows you to get in touch with a meaner, leaner, and quee-nee-nier side of yourself.
You gotta let her gallop on the hillside once in a while, lest you suddenly find yourself wearing wigs.
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