1. Maybe the US Military would be less hated by the rest of the world if they focused on problems bigger than editorial cartoons of Donald Rumsfeld.
2. Maybe Muslim fundamentalists would be less hated by the rest of the world if they focused on problems bigger than editorial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.
Also, credit where credit is due: huge congratulations to all the Republicans and Christian fundamentalists who worked so hard to create the atmosphere of hatred, terror and loathing toward hairdressers which made last night's horrific attack of patrons at a hairdresser bar possible.
Holy cow, what a depressing news week it's been!
"In Bush's America they came first for the pro-choice people and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a breeder.
Then they came for Michael Moore and I didn't speak up because I wasn't Michael Moore.
Then they came for the Bloggers and I didn't speak up because I thought John Aravosis and Princess Sparkle Pony would.
Then they came for the cartoonists and I didn't speak up because I thought they were joking.
Then they came for me, and by that time I was happy to join all the other cool detainees in liberal prison."
-Rev. Karen Zipdrive
Miss Pony,
Could you please photoblog a picture of Mohammed getting punched in the head by the stumps of one of Rummy's battle hardened GI's?
Pretty please??
I watched Rummy's little party at the Press Club on CSPAN yesterday, in the middle of the night..I couldnt sleep..after watching it..i was afraid to sleep.
Now if the Muslim world made fun of Jesus, George would have dropped the bomb....well, I mean he would have dropped MORE bombs.
Better you don't screw with OUR LORD. Cause OUR GOD trumps YOUR GOD.
well 1st no1 denies that every1 has the free will 2 express one's ideas in the he/she chooses..BUT we all have to remember that there are limitations or we could say that there are things that no 1 and i mean NO ONE should mess with...
i dont think that if Jesus was made fun of in such a way it would have passed as a simple nothing!
besides, Muslims aren't hated because of defending their religion and Prophet PBUH, they are hated because of misunderstanding and wrong judements and wrong news about them..
it may seem simple 2 u, but to Muslims, if thier religion or prophet is insulted in the simplest way, that is A BIG SOMETHING!
Hairdressers? I'm not so sure, but whoever patronized Puzzles, your point is well taken and deserves to be loudly and often repeated.
BTW Anonymous, I make fun of Jesus all the time and I attract few rioters.
Um,...I think that first one IS the prophet mohammed...
Anonymous, could you please restate that without using myspace-speak? Because sounding like a 14-year-old girl totally undermines your argument.
And believe me, I know.
I guess you have never watched Southpark, or read National Lampoon Magazine(yeah THAT dates me). Truth is, we satirize the Saviour of All Mankind(TM), on a daily basis, and have for as long as I remember. And guess what? NOBODY has burned anything down because of it, or cut anyone's head off because of it.
You know what? The SOAM is so above all that, (except those heretics in Dover, Pennsylvania who are just itch'n for an ass whoopin by the Savior himself, according to his holiness Pope Robertson).)
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