Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Yes, I'm Taking Pictures on the Metro Again

Props to whomever stickerated the insidious advertisement, but I'm whistful because the people who bought that space = winners, and the rest of us, today = losers.

And another thought occured to me: once the Christian fundamentalists succeed in banning abortions in large chunks of the country, what will they turn their attention to next? Outlawing condoms? Reinstating sodomy laws?*

*Kids: ask your parents. Oh wait, no... ask Mommy's hairdresser.


elliott said...

I am not on the Metro much these days, but I have seen these ads. They are so misleading - I have wanted to take them down or cross them out as well. And at the same time they block pro-marijuana ads. We have work to do!!!

Steve said...

We have the same stinking ads on BART here in the bay area. :(

Karen Zipdrive said...

Miss Pony:
If people would start sodomizing more, there'd be fewer abortions.
Now there's an ad campaign!

Big Sky Girl said...

During last weeks protest against Roe, I got stickered on my way into my apt. building on Penn. I thought I had just caught leprosy, at least that was how I reacted. "Oh my god!" Ripped off the tag and stuck it to the trash can out front. "Much better." The lady who'd violated me, looked like she wanted to hit me, but that's the way it goes.

Sorry, your pic just made me think of that. Keep up the good work.