Wednesday, January 04, 2006

OMG, Condi's Back! OMG!

Of course, that could be the Condibot filling in. Looks pretty stiff. Also, what's up with Cheney? He looks like he's trying to pass a gallstone.


Neil Shakespeare said...

LOL! 'Condibot'. Geez, I should be ashamed to admit it, but I've never that before. As for Dick...well, he always looks like he's either trying to pass one or has just passed one...

Neil Shakespeare said...

Correction: I've never 'heard' that one before. I call her 'Mother Condoleezza'. She's always lecturing the Europeans and stuff...and she hangs around with those lepers at the White House...

Karen Zipdrive said...

As for Dick, he looks like he's kneading his intestines in hopes of inducing a much-needed bowel movement.

Anonymous said...

Is the guy on her right staring at her chest or what??

Anonymous said...

That would be the Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Peter Pace, USMC. Known in the Corps as 'Perfect Pete', I am absolutely positive that he's had better chances for free action than Condi.