Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Dreams Less Sweet

Pony Pal™ Tripp is having Condidreams. How jealous am I?
It was both enlightening and disturbing. I want more.

In my dream, she seemed so vulnerable when I told her that I noticed how she relaxed her shoulders as we were watching George and crew play volleyball. She seemed like she was at peace for once. Such a beautiful moment ... and then that lady came in with the jar of pickles. I still haven't figured that one out.

This may very well top the Fireman/Shaving Cream dream of 1987. Thank goodness that one didn't come true.
Ohhhh... it was so good, and then he totally lost me with the last sentence.

1 comment:

Karen Zipdrive said...

Holy Cow!
If I was a man having a dream with that particular image in it, I'd sleep wearing a cast iron codpiece.
She looks like she could Bobbitize a man with those choppers.