Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Sparkle Pony Man of the Year

And the winner is... dashing Judge John E. Jones of Pennsylvania! Sure, you've all heard by now about how he struck down the teaching of "Intelligent" Design in school biology classes, but have you read his entire ruling (PDF or read this excellent summary at Kos)? Take a look and be very impressed.
"It is ironic that several of these individuals, who so staunchly and proudly touted their religious convictions in public, would time and again lie to cover their tracks and disguise the real purpose behind the ID Policy."
Not only did Judge Jones write a good summary of the case, he went the extra mile and put just oodles of work into it, making it a solid tentpole of a decision which other states and districts will be able to use in the coming years. My favorite part is how he really spells out the insincerity of the ID cheerleaders as they claim it's not a religious belief and then turn around and quote the scriptures in support of it. Clever boy! For that he earns the pink glitter tiara of freedom!

So an unprecedented four --four!-- sparkley hooves up for Judge Jones.

Oh, wait... that sounds kinda kinky. Well, you get the idea.

Unrelated metablogging: Wonketted!


Lulu Maude said...

Right you are, your Highney! And smart men are so DREAMY! Wotta guy!

Anonymous said...

re: "pink glitter tiara of freedom"

Very nice. I thinkI might have to start using that phrase...

Tami DeTruth said...

Kisses to you Pony, I'm always lovin' yer blog. for that damn liberal Judge Jones it only goes to prove. . . oh wait, he was apointed by George W. ...uh, nevermind.

Civic Center said...

Way to use your Sparkley Hooves for Good, Princess.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Damn I'm glad I found your Blog thru Lulu Maude's.
I am so linking you up--your photo is so beguiling-- and all this pinkness makes me feel like I am enveloped in the nether regions of a very fancy lady.

Unknown said...

bravo..great post..and I love your blog..Karen sent me over..god bless her :)

z7q2 said...

You wait. When Princess Condi is President Rice in 2008 this blog will be the center of the universe.