This late entry to last week's Condi Photoshop challenge comes from Pony Pal™ supreme and lonnnnng time co-conspirator James Call! Thanks a bunch, James!
Also, have you heard? According to Condi, our strategy is Iraq is totally awesome! Neato, Condi!
And, last but not least, tons of photos of Condi in Bahrain today via Yahoo.
Don't you think a crazy straw would be just the thing to make that pic perfect?
What a wild party animal Rice is!!
Just imagine YOURSELF as a member of the most despised American administration of all times.
Then, imagine one of your W.H. gang was arrested and indicted for outing an Intelligence agent fighting against terrorists acquiring WMDs to use against the US.
Imagine that he also is a member of the WHIG and the Office of Special Plans (Those plans being, evidently, to spy on the US and pass the stolen info to Israeli spies in DC. (AIPAC officials, both also under indictment).
Now, just really go wild, and imagine that the Democrat mentioned most often as a likely presidential candidate in 2008, and Rice, also mentioned, though not quite as frequently (Because the "Powers That Be" have chosen McCain, hence all the heroic "anti-terrorism" stance the MSM is promoting for him now) both oddly find themselves WHERE recently?
In the very country SPYING on US.
Yes, it thrills the cockles of my heart.
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