Friday, November 18, 2005

Be Careful Mr. Krauthammer, Your Right Wing Might Fall Off

I'm not always nice to Charles Krauthammer (see above), but his excellent column about so-called "intelligent design" in today's Washington Post is a must read.

In other news, there are hints that Condi's successor as National Security Advisor, Steven Hadley, who I think is reallllllly peculiar, might be Woodward's leak. And, really, there's a pretty small pool to choose from, right?


Anonymous said...

So is that what a hawk looks like when basting with brewskies? Hmm looks good enough to chrgrill and slice into nice little morsels.

George Will, the other half of the right wing loony brigade wrote a similar article a few days ago. What is the world coming to?

TexasYankee said...

i'm loving the Budweiser up his ass.
figuratively, i mean.