NBC4 and Victoria's Secret have been having quite the mutually-beneficial luvfest yesterday and today. Here's how it works:
• Victoria's Secret creates an especially saucy window display in their brand new store at Tyson's Corner Mall in Virginia.
• Maybe too saucy; the store receives complaints.
• The store sends out press releases about how they've received complaints at their BRAND NEW STORE. OMG, and it's our GRAND OPENING, too!
• The media complies and reports the "story". Lots of footage of the extremely realistic mannequins is shown.
• Everybody's happy: the media gets an excuse to show extremely realistic mannequins wearing scanty lingerie, and Victoria's Secret gets the kind of free publicity money just can't buy.
Lather, rinse, repeat. And repeat. And repeat. NBC 4 must have shown this story six times throughout their morning news cycle yesterday. And today? Follow-ups! This morning (and last evening, I'm sure) their on-the-spot reporters interviewed people who had flocked to the mall just to see the titillating display of fake flesh and polyester support garments. And they were shocked... shocked! Not everybody, though, because some thought it was super-fantastic! And how did they find out about the saucy scandal? From the TV news! "I just had to see it for myself," one dupe happily admitted.
It's like the shark and the remora: both benefit the other, and both are pretty slimy.
"Support garments"? I think not, unless we're talking about supporting certain ideas about what is sexy and feminine. Don't get me wrong, Vicky's sells nice stuff, but the supportive variety won't be displayed with near as much gusto.
I stand corrected! I'm still in my training thong, after all.
I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. If we allow plastic mannequins to flaunt themselves in public like this, it's only a matter of time before they begin clamoring for the right to get married. You can say a lot about MSM's liberal bias, but thank God they're willing to expose the mannequins' sinister hidden agenda.
AS there is probably a policy in place to store mannequins in segregated rooms, can it be only a matter of time before they want the right to same sex marriage?
Ps I fully support support garments.
Ew... people flocking to visually grope plastic women...
I think it is a disgrace that our country's morale has gone so low.
Too bad they are only inerested in the "thin" mannequins. They only cover themm to try to get people watching. Next, like history proves, the fame will go to their heads and you'll see them out standing in public for long hours while not moving a muscle, ignoring everyone even if addressed directly, starring off into space as if they are the only beings on earth, etc. It is absolutely sinister. Whats next, sombody running around dressing them because they won't do it themselves?
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