Here's a funny article from the Mississippi Sun Herald about the breathless, schoolgirl-like courtship (Get it? Courtship? LOL!) ritual between then-Governor George Bush and Harriet Miers. This excerpt made me think that maybe her blog is real, after all:
Indeed, Miers oozes with deference and awe in her letters to Bush. In a 1995 note, she thanked Bush for a visit and called a ride in a plane with him "Cool!" When she wrote Bush a thank-you note for meeting with a lottery job applicant in 1997, she wrote, "You are the best!"But this cryptic message from GW to his adoring fan really ought to raise some eyebrows:
"I appreciate your friendship and candor. Never hold back your sage advice," he wrote. "P.S. No more public scatology." Whether Bush was referring to Miers' rough-and-tumble time as chairwoman of the Texas Lottery Commission or something else isn't clear. Scatology refers to "the study of or preoccupation with excrement or obscenity," according to Webster's dictionary.OMG, things could get really interesting! "Oozing with deference" indeed!
And, yes, I've totally broken my promise about no more Miers posts. What can I say? She's a star!
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