What did I see this afternoon as I briefly stepped out of my

Right on Pennsylvania Avenue! Heading east! Right towards Capitol Hill! Two whole busloads of Lost Boys headed, no doubt, to meet their wicked leader, devilishly boyish Rick Santorum. They're shipping 'em in now.
I wish I could say that was my last frightening situation of the day, but no. After work, I stopped by Best Buy in Pentagon City. There I was, happily browsing, feeling oblivious to all evil in the world for a moment, but then I looked up and was practically face to face with... Bill Frist... Right. In. Front. Of. Me.
Hold me.
Hi Sparklepony! Gosh, I feel bad that no one is leaving you messages! Your journalblogdiarywebsemailpostplace is the funniest thing on the web! And I read The Onions and The Wall Street Journey! So I know from funny! Gosh they make me laugh, a lot!
Anyway, I am going to make sure people come and read your magazine and leave you nice messages! Even if I have to stand in the Mall and cry!
OMG! Sparklepony! Did you get any of his sweat and tears on you? You might catch AIDs from him. Quick! Smother yourself in a protective layer of glitter and lipgloss.
Pretty Princess, I'm always smothered in a protective layer of glitter and lipgloss!
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