WOW! Boys and girls, do you like Pterosaurs? Of course you do! Well, good news! They're still around, and the fantastic folks at Objective: Ministries are going to prove it! First, be sure to check out their wonderful introduction, and then move along to their thrilling quest!

Princess Sparkle Pony is pawing the ground with her glittery hoof repeatedly in approval for this fantastic web site. Be sure to click around and to read every single page! And don't miss their incredible kids' pages. I think my favorite character is Hopsiah, the Kanga-Jew; what's yours? Some bad people tried to tell me that this site is a joke, but I don't think it is, and anyway, I dare you to find a joke site as good!
Big sparkly cuddles 'n' hugs to my little friend Matt4684 for pointing my nose in the direction of my favorite site of the year! And it's only March!
These are very confused people. They talk about entropy, "micro-evolution," satyrs, demons, Pangea, and creationism, all in one breath. They need to get their story straight. Still, it's pretty appalling what lies Professor Giraffenstein is telling little children. "Fossils are the buried remains of the wicked men and animals that perished 4,000 years ago in the Flood!" I wonder how an animal can be "wicked?"
Thank you, Princess Sparkle Pony. My favorite character is also the Kanga-Jew, although I don't quite understand how he got left behind during The Flood. But that doesn't really matter now, does it? I also liked the Maze of Temptations on the way to church. Money, Sugar & Big Red Lips pretty much sums it all up.
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