Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fashion Victim: Matching is Overrated

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Another new feature, just as I warned you. "Fashion Victim" will chronicle my closet, just as "Junk Drawer" displays my non-wearable collections.

I'm a bit of a dandy! I love clothes, but just like everything else, I approach fashion with a hefty streak of Dadaism. My wardrobe consists of about 1/2 vintage (vast collection), 1/4 generic basics (The Gap, Calvin Klein, etc.), and 1/4 irresponsible high-end stuff. I like to inappropriately mash together decades and genres, and I tend to mix colors more like a painter than... well, a normal person. During cooler weather, my "style" can best be described as "Something's wrong with Mr. Rogers," while in warmer times it's "Mid-1960s confirmed bachelor college professor hosts peyote-fueled barbecue." My basic philosophy is Why be a fashion victim when fashion can be YOUR victim? Here's what's in the photo above:

  • Vintage green Perma-Prest™ shirt, JC Penney Towncraft. Probably mid-1960s. I love old permanent press stuff from cheap department stores.
  • Vintage very skinny (1 1/4"!) silk green tie. Mid-50s? I don't know when ties were this narrow. I'm a little annoyed that thin ties are trendy again.
  • Ocher windowpane cashmere/silk sport coat, Luciano Barbera.
  • Green v-neck cashmere sweater, Ted Baker.

Background: White Bread, James Rosenquist, oil on canvas, 1964. Thank you very much, Pony Pal™/coworker Adam for taking the picture.


TexasYankee said...

Love it.

okojo said...

You are wearing too much green. You should go with a white shirt, or a light blue shirt, but the sport coat is pretty styling, beautiful color.

Peteykins said...

Hello? It's Saint Patrick's Day!

Fran said...

Loving that jacket, loving it hard.

You have a look that is all your own. Richard Cohen will never want to steal it from you.

Jeff Gannon on the other hand, might.

Anonymous said...

Sweet cheeses!! Do you know how long I have waited for thin ties to come back into fashion again??!! I've weathered two "recessions" waiting in vain for my beloved thin ties to come back! So much for that flawed theory!! Ayn Rand to the white courtesy phone!

Now that we're in the financial toidy bowl we finally have 'em back, but it annoys me that it's all up to "Mad Men!" Not that great a series, apart from the fact that they helped push my beloved thin ties back into the limelight from which they were unjustly banished for lo, these many years! I had not bought any "new" ties for over 20 years.

Now I can scarf up enough to last me the rest of my natural life! I desperately need tasteful solids but some of my vintage patterns are getting a little frazzled. I hope I can find some live ones in the current economic downturn.

Lulu Maude said...

Nothing says nostalgia like Towncraft.

Lovely, Princess.

Chavaneth said...

I read you almost daily but I don't think I've ever commented. But I HAD to today. That coat fits you so well I thought it was on a manequin and you were taking the picture. Just amazing. Gorgeous really. I'm in awe :-)

dguzman said...

Nice threads.

Canadian Yankee said...

Ooo - I love your philosophy and I'm stealing it (personally, I often dress out on the extremes, but as a software developer working for an electrical engineering company, "pants that fit" counts as wacky, out-there, high fashion in my workplace).

In exchange for stealing your fashion philosophy, I'm offering you use of my personal philosophy free of charge: It's not bitchy if it's true.

Cindy G said...

OMG! Now I know I'll keep reading, Condi or no Condi.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Very dapper.

Anonymous said...

That's a great outfit (and not too much green, in my opinion - it looks just fine to me!). The world needs more dandies, there's too much sportswear about. I only wish I had enough money to dress as well.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more! First, that the green is *perfect* with the jacket. Second, there is way too much sportswear...Why is it trendy to look like you're schlupping between the couch and the gym?? Blech!

Please, keep it up, Princess! And I'm *so* looking forward to further pictures.

Max In The Kitchen said...

That sounds like one fun barbeque...can I come?

Peteykins said...

Celia, dressing "well" is actually cheaper than dressing badly if you stick to thrift stores, vintage stores, or places like Filene's Basement.

Muscato said...

I, too, long awaited the return of our beloved skinny ties - although I don't think the momemt for black satin ones with hot pink televisions is likely to be seen again. Sadly, though, I have personally gotten thick enough in the ensuring years that I'm afraid the effect would be of a globe turned sideways, with the tie as an unfortunate equator. Alas...

But you, darling PSP, look divoon. Truly.

Revday said...

You are sooo funny. Write more please.

zoe said...


Salty Miss Jill said...

hubba hubba. ;)

Alicia Morgan said...

The words Perma-Prest™ yank me back into my childhood and memories of shopping for school clothes with my mom, who would not let me purchase anything that was not Perma-Prest™. I longed with all my heart to be able to get just one outfit that was not wrinkle-proof, but - alas, it was not to be.