A young supporter looks up as Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, signs autographs after a rally in Scranton, Pa. on Wednesday, October 14, 2008. (AP Photo/Rich Schultz)
I also understand they're yelling death threats again. Hilarious! I'm so glad the Secret Service is getting right on that.
Also: I can't identify the shoes. Can you? Please? God, I'm needy today.
Anyway, I think her predilection for patent leather (ooh, fancy!) shows a kinda immaturity of fashion sense. Not that there's anything wrong with patent leather, but wearing it at every appearance? That's not style we can believe in.
Regarding the post following this one, perhaps the lad is looking for a "hand up"?
The nice thing about shiny shoes is that you can look down at 'em and still see "up".
I learned that from a guy who was always trying to look up skirts in the library.
Seriously, those shoes are hideous. They look like payless specials. How is it she can afford those designer glasses (LOVE the glasses, want a pair myself) but always seems to fail in the shoe department?
I don't think they're "good" shoes. I've seen worse on her, though.
She gets to keep the new wardrobe as a consolation prize though, right?
Payless: Fierce n' Frisky
I wish her a future of bunions and hammertoes.
Remember: she COULD be wearing mukkluks. Patent leather ones.
The youngster is so adorably cute that he must, must be a future hairdresser. I'm sensing that he's drinking in the details of a fabulous halloween costume.
1. She's got budding cankles.
2. That little boy was borrowed from the local Hispanic orphanage. He goes right back after the event, with $5 and a box of Chicklets.
3. Look closely at the slit in her skirt. Are those stretch marks? Varicose veins?
karen said "Look closely at the slit in her skirt."
No thanks
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