Monday, June 13, 2005

It's Getting Drafty in Washington

After four straight months of missing their recruitment goals (which had already been revised downward), the word "draft" is being increasingly bandied about. Scary. The Selective Service says, "No worries... for now." Isn't that comforting?

So how do all you Soccer Security Moms feel about the Bush administration now?


Anonymous said...

I found the link for this article on "Counter Recruiter" site.

"The Children’s Crusade - Military programs move into middle schools to fish for future soldiers"

HOWEVER, the reason I think you will appreciate this, Princess Sparkle Pony, is because of resemblance to Condi in the lead picture here:

I did I complete double-take when I saw it, then immediately thought it a must have for a Sparkle Pony rating. Enjoy.

BTW, the "Counter Recruiter" site is:

[But a simple " counterrecruiter [DOT] org (or "net") " will get you there too.]

Anonymous said...

BytheBayou John sent me this way. The picture is perfect, as good as shoving them into cannons only to shoot them over the arid dust bowl that Iraq can be.

The draft will be back, in one form or another.

Anonymous said...

Nice job, PSP! Perhaps AdSense should recruit you to make counterads for those awful, lying-in-advertising Be All That You Can Be TV commercials. Yes, Be All That You Can Be -- Dead.