Thursday, June 09, 2005

AP Joins Scientific Journal, Princeton University in Humiliating Boyish GOP Loser

OK, so there's this study about how we react to politician's faces and blah, blah, blah... you know, whatever. It's one of those boring studies with obvious, yet expensive, results. But what really cracked me up was the meanness of their case study, which compares the manly, distinguished face of Russell Feingold (um... whatever floats your boat, I guess), the victorious Democratic Senator from Wisconsin, against his vanquished foe, baby-faced Tim Michels (below).

Forget the issues or anything else voters may have cared about, it's all about the face, baby! And as AP humiliatingly reports, Michels is sadly lacking:
Scientists have found that voters frequently pick the candidates with more mature looks, exuding competence, over those who have certain features _ round face, big eyes, small nose, high forehead, small chin _ in other words, a babyface.
And this is in the photo caption, embarrassingly, right next to a picture of the boyish offender. Mr. Michels is gonna get a lot of teasing! You know, I almost feel sorry for Timmy, so I'm going to offer my own patented suggestion to make the cherubic right-winger more appealing to voters:

The "I Like Kittens" button... gets 'em every time.

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