Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Hairdressers In Professional Sports

Check out this poll at Sports Illustrated's web site. Mixed message city! So, ummm... we're pretty sure it's OK for hairdressers to play sports, but we're positive we'd rather talk about something else. We've heard there are... uhhh... masculine women... in female sports, but we're also pretty sure they can't move merchandise.

If anybody can really make sense out of this poll, please enlighten me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

America dosen't hate the hairdresses, in fact some of our best friends are hairdressers! We just feel uncomfortable when hairdressers blast our sterotype of being pushovers by suceeding in athetics. We also don't want hairdressers teaching our children sports... or anything really. We want hairdressers to stay far away from our children because they might teach them to be hairdressers too... not that there is anything wrong with hairdressing!