Thursday, May 22, 2014

Operation American Spring: Still Kind Of Sort Of (Not Really) Happening!

(Click for bigger.)

Remember last week how much we enjoyed the epic failure of Operation American Spring? Well, guess what? They're still there, in front of the Air and Space Museum with their Benghazi banners and a big sign saying AMERICA IS A CHRISTIAN NATION. Far from a growing movement, however, now it's about a dozen portly 65-year-old men with goatees and novelty t-shirts. So, in other words, let's blame this on the Baby Boomers, too.


The Cat's Meow said...

Teeming throngs! How did you fight your way through them and get to work?

Peteykins said...

WITH GREAT DIFFICULTY (mostly due to an eye-rolling-induced sprain).

Anonymous said...

Through their efforts those old men are the reason you can laugh at them today

Anonymous said...

I doubt the assumptions that seem to underlie the previous comment. I suspect this crowd has minimal Greatest Generation content, and even if all of them are veterans, presumably more Vietnam than Korea, their efforts were misplaced, And their current activity is anything but honorable.

Peteykins said...

And just look at how they turned out! Tsk.

Diane Griffin said...

anonymous #1 -- those guys are just as much victims of the system as anyone else, hence the need they feel to protest. They're just wrong about who's at fault, and about a bunch of other things as well. Getting shot at because you were drafted doesn't make you any smarter than those who didn't. Bringing up something irrelevant to the point doesn't make me feel bad about saying so, either.

Anonymous said...

These wingnuts can't even organize a rally. They blamed the media. Yet Martin Luther King attracted tens of thousands without FOX, 24-hour news cycle, talk radio, or the internet.

Joel Nowak said...

I fully support American Spring