Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fashion Victim: What Was Once Mere Disdain Is Now Reflexive, Involuntary Loathing

Ew, ew, ew. Thanks a lot, Time Magazine. Gross.


Fran said...

Ugh, how tiresome he is. And weights, big ones. We all know what that means. *shudder*

Anonymous said...

That picture makes me want to tell Ryan, "Sorry about your weiner, dude."

Dave said...

Nothing says "Nickel Back" more than these pics.

Geraldo said...

Dude needs a hat manual.

Jaycubed said...

It looks like a picture from Ryan's Rent Boy ad.

Anonymous said...

Two jobs wear their cap like that: baseball catchers and umpires. I do not see Vice-President on that list. Like I am going to vote for someone who doesn't even know how to wear a hat.

samael7 said...

I'd like to say I was disturbed by the hat, but, alas, I was long ago desensitzed to them in college; it was either that, or go mad. (Arguably...)

But his face...this is the first time I've seen a picture of his face that squicked me out. He needs to stop looking at me that way.

Anonymous said...

I have heard putting a cap on backward instantly loses you at least 20 I.Q. points.

Lulu Maude said...

You're supposed to be looking at his mighty muscles.


Glennis said...

In what universe did he think this was a good idea? Seriously!

MrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel said...

WHAT "mighty muscles"?

The brow-furrows are the only overdeveloped muscle group Pvt. Ryan possesses.

Mara said...

On the plus side, this will be this year's PERFECT Halloween costume!

(Though you may get fatigued making that expression all night!)