I just had a three-day weekend, and it looks like it just morphed into four or even five days. Fun! Except that everything will be closed. I don't know... it just seems like a regular old rainy day so far to me, but I guess it's going to get a lot worse. At least my power and/or internet connection hasn't gone down yet! Oh Sandy, I kind of love you and I kind of don't.
UPDATE, Tuesday AM: All is well. Still relentless drizzling. Haven't lost power or internet. Speaking of which, it's startling to see Huffington Post, Mediaite, Gawker, and Buzzfeed all dead as doornails this morning.
Enjoy your days off, courtesy of freakout nation in the post-Katrina era. Hope that the power stays on.
I'm in Baltimore and my plant is open, unfortunately. Enjoy your days off.
The only things open here ARE the plants, ha ha.
Seriously hope the power stays on...but hey, we've got camping food and piles of real books.
Here at 74th and Amsterdam (at the back of the building) there's sometimes heavy rain on the A/C units,, wind gusts, and not much else. Going through the frozen food - tater tots consumed, next it's what appears to be lasagna I made a few weeks back. And agreed - please please please let the power stay on ....
Revenge of the gods on the imperial capital.
I was shocked when HuffPo went down. I was nearly an hour without any sideboob provider, and the results were not pretty.
I'm dead center in the disaster zone and lucky to have power and internet. Life is now the constant drone of generators, dark streets at night, zig-zagging through neighborhoods with trees still on the roads and power lines scattered about, lack of refrigerated food, and police keeping people from beating each other up at gas pump lines. Good practice for the apocalypse!
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