Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Abortions For Everybody!


Ha ha, just kidding. Those are pizzas. PIZZAS. And it's kind of funny, but the press these days, when it comes to Joe Biden, seems to be more interested in his take-out food purchases than anything else. Donuts? Check. Pizza? Check. I guess it makes sense, because what is the vice president other than the president's delivery guy? Cheney delivered torture; Biden, pizza and donuts. I'll take... torture. Just kidding! Pizza! And donuts! Yay!


The Cat's Meow said...

You know, a slice of pizza can be something that God intended.

cynic al said...

Thanks Joe. No corporate pizza. All the pizza moguls seem to be right wing nuts.

HRH King Friday XIII, Ret. said...

That headline plus picture are priceless.

LuluMaude said...

HRH said,I do love Joe. Most honest man in the administration.

Anonymous said...

Did you catch the real quick mention of Biden in Osama bin Ladin's journal? Apparently he believed the media meme about Joe being a bumbling idiot. That was a reason to assasinate Obama...leave America with a know nothing incompetent for a President. Glad the media recognizes it's respondsiblity to report facts and not 'funny' stuff about people!

D said...

"Pavement with Planar Bird" is my favorite of the set. Definitely draws a text connection to the under-appreciated tradition of dead bird painting.

The albino squirrel is runner up.